The Abortion Pill & Plan C
Abortion: Things to consider
Even if you are experiencing pregnancy symptoms or have taken a home pregnancy test that was positive, you should confirm your pregnancy with a medical professional.
Any medication or surgical procedure has side effects and risks. Take your time and read through our website as you weigh your options. When you are ready, call us for a free and confidential appointment.
Overall Risks
Some studies have suggested that both medication and surgical abortions may have an increased risk of preterm delivery, low birth weight, small for gestational age, and placental complications in future pregnancies. Please weigh your options carefully as all of the risks may be unknown at this time.
Additionally, it is imperative that you seek a safe, licensed provider. Your risk for complications and even death is greatly increased in the setting of unsafe abortion practices and providers.
Women respond differently to abortion. While seeking relief through abortion you may actually have increased feelings of depression or guilt. We offer support and counseling. Our door is open and our hands are extended.
What abortion options are available to you?
There are both medical (also known as medication or chemical abortions) and surgical abortions. The type of procedure you have may depend on factors such as how far along you are, your health, and your preferences.
The primary method of abortion prior to 10 weeks gestational age is a two-dose drug RU-486 (Mifepristone) and Cytotec (Misoprostol). Beyond 10 weeks a surgical abortion is required to ensure that all of the baby is removed.
A surgical abortion, also known as vacuum aspiration abortion is available beginning in the first trimester and is the only option past 10 weeks.
Surgical or aspiration abortion is performed under local or moderate sedation anesthesia and at a medical facility. Medication abortion involves passing the baby in your own home and takes longer.
We encourage you to obtain comprehensive counseling about the expected experience, symptoms, risks, and recovery. We further encourage you to schedule your counseling and your abortion on different days to allow time to consider the information you’ve been presented with.
Medication Abortions
The Abortion Pill
The Abortion Pill (RU-486/Mifiprex) is approved in conjunction with another pill, Cytotec (Misoprostol). Together this regimen is FDA approved up to 70 days gestation. This will generally require three office visits over one to two weeks and includes a follow-up visit and or phone call to ensure that there are no complications.
Make sure that you are in an appropriate place after taking the second pill in the regimen, Cytotec, as vaginal bleeding, cramps, nausea, and diarrhea usually begins within 2 to 24 hours after taking it.
How does The Abortion Pill work?
Mifeprex (mifepristone) is a drug that blocks the hormone progesterone, which is needed for a pregnancy to continue. It causes the lining of your uterus to shed so your pregnancy can no longer continue. Then the second pill in the regimen, Cytotec, causes your uterus to contract so that you pass the fetus.
Never buy any abortion medicine over the internet or from a foreign country. Mifeprex has specific warnings and restrictions designed to protect you. Please seek medical attention from a licensed provider.
Keep all appointments with your doctor. These appointments are necessary to ensure that your pregnancy has ended and that you have not developed serious complications from your abortion.
Undiagnosed Ectopic Pregnancies
The Abortion Pill regimen is approved for pregnancies inside the uterus. In a tubal/ectopic pregnancy, the pill will not work. If not diagnosed early, there could be a risk of the tube bursting, internal hemorrhage, and death. Please come in for a free ultrasound to ensure your pregnancy is in your uterus.
A chemical abortion does not always ensure that no surgery is required. In a failed chemical abortion or one with heavy bleeding, a surgical abortion may be necessary to ensure that all of the fetus is removed. Infection is also a risk of medical abortion.
Side Effects
Expected side effects are cramping, bleeding, and passing your baby. Bleeding lasts an average of 9 - 16 days but can last up to 30 days. Sometimes heavy bleeding may require surgical intervention. Additional common side effects include nausea, weakness, fever, chills, vomiting, headache, diarrhea, and dizziness in the first 24 hours after taking Mifepristone.
It is important to seek medical care immediately if you experience these symptoms for more than 24 hours as they may indicate a complication.
Call your doctor immediately or get emergency medical treatment if you experience any of the following symptoms: fever greater than 100.4 °F (38 °C), severe pain or tenderness in the area below the waist, chills, fast heartbeat, or fainting.
Adverse Events
Serious adverse events including severe bleeding, severe infection, and death have been reported. It is very important that you are open and honest with the healthcare provider and provide a detailed medical history. In the event that you need to go to the ER make sure that you are honest about what drugs you have taken and the timeline in which you had your abortion.
Surgical Abortion
Surgical abortions include suction of the womb to remove the baby. Depending on the type of surgery and how extensive it is it may also include scraping of the womb or dilation of the cervix either mechanically or with osmotic dilators and/or prostaglandins prior to the vacuum aspiration.
Heavy bleeding, uterine perforation, need for surgical repair, infection.
Emergency Contraception (Plan B, Plan B One Step)
Plan B, also known as The Morning After Pill, is intended to reduce the possibility of pregnancy after unprotected sex or contraceptive failure. It can be taken by mouth within 48 hours of unprotected sex.
Emergency Contraception Side Effects
Side effects may include changes in periods, nausea, lower abdominal pain, fatigue, headache and dizziness.
We can help you understand your choices, discuss your pregnancy and your health, and explain your abortion options.
What are your rights with abortion providers?
You have the right to insist on an abortion performed by a licensed professional. Before your abortion, ensure that your physician’s license has not been revoked or suspended and that there is no history of medical malpractice. Come in for more information.
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has insisted that abortion providers comply with certain standards, including that women have access to medical facilities for emergency care. Furthermore, they must review and sign a Patient Agreement Form and a Medication Guide with you. The Medication Guide informs you of the medications you may receive.
You have the right to review this information prior to your procedure. We encourage you to gather this information before you decide and take the time to consider your options.
You always have the right to change your mind. It is never too late.
If you feel mislead, lied to, or treated improperly after your appointment please contact us.
Forced Abortion
No one has the legal right to make you have an abortion. If someone is trying to force you into this decision against your will, contact us at Turning Point.
We try our best to provide accurate and up to date information. However, medical information is always evolving. If you have any questions please call our office and come in for an appointment.
Bartz, D., Blumenthal, P. (2020). First-trimester pregnancy termination: Medication Abortion.
Hammond, C. (2020). Overview of second-trimester pregnancy termination.
Mifepristone (mifeprex): Medlineplus Drug Information
Questions and Answers on Mifeprex. Center for Drug Evaluation and Research. https://www.fda.gov/drugs/postmarket-drug-safety-information-patients-and-providers/questions-and-answers-mifeprex
Steinauer, J. (2020).